Thursday, 30 October 2014

Kudo International Federation India (KIFI) : Equipment

Official Product List 2014 :
KIFI gloves KIFI White Shin-instep Guard KIFI chest guard white KIFI-Japanese Embroidery Black Belt

  • White uniform with KIFI logo
  • Royal blue uniform with KIFI logo
  • KIFI Head guard
  • Coming Soon
  • Kudo Rules Book
  • Kudo Training Videos
  • Kudo Tournament Videos
  • Professional White & Blue Uniform with chest, shoulder & back logo
  • All students must have official kit approved by KIFI, with KIFI logo as shown in the pictures above, for all Kudo tournaments starting from May 2014.
  • Kudo competitors wear an official Kudo Gi (sleeves and body of the top gi, are like a single-weave judogi, are created out of a single piece of cloth, unlike the traditional karate gi where the sleeves are sewn onto the body). This design of the Kudo gi makes it ideal for throwing and grappling techniques. Also required for competition are groin guard, mouth piece, official Kudo hand-wraps, official Kudo fist protectors and SuperSafe (official Kudo protective helmet). The fist protectors are MMA style gloves which cover the wrist, back of the hand and up to the 2nd joint of the knuckles. The SuperSafe head guard is a unique foam helmet developed by Hanshi Masayuki Hisataka for the Koshiki fighting system practiced by Shorinjiryu karateka to protect a fighter from facial injuries and head trauma. It is this helmet which allows the fighters in Kudo to punch and elbow the face, not allowed in more mainstream Kyokushin variants.

    This helmet is known outside of Daido Juku circles jokingly as a "space helmet." On a funny note, Azuma Jukucho (founder and president of Kudo, also the creator of so called "space helmet”) has been quoted as saying in Japanese: "Call it whatever the hell you want, space helmet, aqua helmet, whatever…this is Kudo, this is Daido Juku." (Jukucho laughs).

The KUDO rules overview

The KUDO rules overview Victory or defeat is decided by any direct attack using “punch , kick , elbow , head-butt , throw , etc”. Face protector (Neo headgear KU) must be worn and techniques are to be executed with bare hands and feet. (Fist supporters approved by committee may be used) Also ground techniques such as strangle and joint techniques are allowed to take give up. Grabbing and swinging an opponent and punching, elbowing, head-butting or kicking an opponent with holding “KUDO-GI” are allowed for up to 10 Seconds. But, the allowed techniques are limited when there is a difference of over 20 Physical Index (height in cm + weight in kg) within the competitors. Attack using elbow and head-butt are allowed. Tackle and throwing are allowed. Ground techniques are allowed twice during every 3 minutes of the original match, extension or re-extension for a maximum of 30 seconds each time.

  • Principal Techniques (for stand-up style)

  • Principal Techniques (on the ground)

  • A standard for evaluation of "the strike attack"

  • Others "KOHKA" attack
  • "WAZA-ARI" is the evaluation of the higher rank of "YUKOU". "YUKOU" is the evaluation of the higher rank of "KOHKA".
  • Even if it has many points of the lower evaluation, it is inferior to one point of the upper evaluation. 
  • HANSOKU (Foul)

    To establish a standard of safety, the following shall be considered as "HANSOKU (FOUL)".

    First HANSOKU (HANSOKU-1(ichi)) is a warning and does not result in a loss point. But if both competitors can not get any point until the end of the match, a competitor who has no HANSOKU will win.
    2 times HANSOKU (HANSOKU-2(ni)) result in opponent’s KOHKA point.
    3 times HANSOKU(HANSOKU-3(san)) result in opponent’s YUKOU point.
    The competitor who commits 4(yon) times HANSOKUs result in SHIKKAKU(DISQUALIFICATION ) and opponent get WAZA-ARI point.
    "HANSOKU- 4(yon)" means "the fourth violating the rules" in Japanese.= It becomes a loss on a foul from the DISQUALIFICATION.

  • The typical foul
  • The difference of the Physical Index among the opponents
  • When an introduced player is absent.
  • If for any reason a contestant doesn't appear at the mat after being called, this will be considered HANSOKU-1, and after 30 seconds, it will result in HANSOKU-2, thereafter every 10 seconds HANSOKU-3 and SHIKKAKU (DISQUALIFICATION).

  • PHYSICAL INDEX SCALE Limitation excess

  • Division category
  • under230 (Index of less than 230)
  • 230~under240 (Index of from 230 to below 240)
  • 240~under250 (Index of from 240 to below 250)
  • 250~under260 (Index of from 250 to below 260)
  • 260~under270 (Index of from 260 to below 270)
  • 270over (Index of more 270)
  • woman

  • At the time of weigh-in, if a contestant's TAIRYOKU SHISUU (PHYSICAL INDEX SCALE) is higher than had been reported earlier, the following penalties will be applied:
  • 1point over the TAIRYOKU SHISUU index will result in HANSOKU-1.(just warning)
  • 2point over the TAIRYOKU SHISUU index will result in HANSOKU-2. (1 lost KOHKA)
  • 3point over the TAIRYOKU SHISUU index will result in HANSOKU-3. (1 lost YUKOU)
  • 4point over the TAIRYOKU SHISUU index will result inSHIKKAKU(DISQUALIFICATION )


Kudo is an official Japanese Cultural

Kudo Intrernational Federation

Kudo is recognized by over 10 national Olympic committees and has over 50 member countries :


Kudo is an official Japanese Cultural Budō sport under the same category as Judo, Aikido and Kendo. Kudo and Daido Juku are worldwide copyrights and all of its instructors and branch chiefs are certified under the Kudo International Federation, also known as K.I.F.

Kudo is recognized by over 10 national Olympic committees and has over 50 member countries.

KUDO is MMA or Mixed Martial Arts; it is a safe, scientific, modern, & practical Combination of traditional & sports Karate, Judo, Jujutsu, Muay Thai, & Kickboxing.

Daido Juku is the Honbu for the martial art Kudo , founded in 1981 by Takashi Azuma. Azuma, originally a Kyokushin karate 1977 full contact karate champion, resigned from the Kyokushin organization to form Daido Juku in Sendai city, located in northern Honshū, Japan.

Daido Juku literally translated means "School of the Great Way". It incorporates techniques which were not present at that time in full contact karate styles. Azuma, being a third-degree black belt in Judo as well as a 4th-degree black belt in Kyokushin karate, recognized the potential for a hybrid martial art. These would not be restricted by the boundaries of a single style but would use techniques from various martial arts, namely, at the time of its creation in 1980, Judo and Karate. In the late 1980s and early 90s the style began to incorporate various techniques from muay thai, boxing, Jujutsu, sambo, submission wrestling, and other martial arts, fine tuning each technique for use within the Kudo style. One of the fundamental goals of Kudo being the creation of a versatile and realistic fighting style without compromising safety, Azuma created a style which incorporated various offensive as well as defensive techniques which includes punches to the head, elbow strikes, head butts, judo throws, jiu-jitsu joint locks and other standup and ground fighting techniques.

In 1981, Daido Juku made its public debut at the 1981 Hokutoki Karate Championships, also known as Hokutoki. Originally known as Kakuto Karate Daidojuku ("Combat Karate Daidojuku"), the name of the style was changed to recognize its unique and unorthodox techniques as a mixed martial art. In 2001 at an official press conference held for Daido Juku, founder Azuma Takashi and president of Daidojuku, N.P.O., renamed the mixed martial art Budō to Kudo. This renaming allowed Kudo the opportunity of becoming an official Japanese Cultural Budō sport under the same category as Judo, Aikido and Kendo. Kudo and Daido Juku are worldwide copyrights and all of its instructors and branch chiefs are certified under the Kudo International Federation, also known as K.I.F.

Jukucho Takashi Azuma currently holds an 8th degree black belt in Kyokushin Budokai, awarded by Jon Bluming and an 8th degree black belt in Daidojuku, awarded by the board of directors of Daidojuku.



Official Promotion Movie for the 4th Kudo World Championships is now available in the official homepage.
This PR movie, created by KIFHQ, represents the excitement and fascination of KUDO.
With this Official PR movie, KIFHQ wishes to appeal to the greater number of people to come and visit the Kudo World Championships in November.
Please introduce this Link-Free Official PR movie to many of your friends and families.

Welcome To Kudo International Federation Ahmedabad : Pravin Jadav

What Is "KUDO" :

Kudo is a mixed Budo sport comprising full contact punches, kicks, throwings, and submission techniques on the ground.

Kudo has its origins in Kakuto Karate (Combat Karate), but It is not just a mixed fighting with emphasis on competition side. It is a life-long sport, system for youth education, method of self-defence and health maintenance for adults. Along with this elements it stresses the "Reigi" or respect and etiquette in its tradition. In this sense it is a "Modern Budo" that has already spread in more then 60 countries around the world.

Kudo is an official Japanese Cultural Budō sport under the same category as Judo, Aikido and Kendo. Kudo and Daido Juku are worldwide copyrights and all of its instructors and branch chiefs are certified under the Kudo International Federation, also known as K.I.F.

Kudo is recognized by over 10 national Olympic committees and has over 50 member countries.